The Best Feature Film Quality Animation Rigs Online
It can be time consuming and overwhelming looking for high quality rigs that are fast, intuitive and diverse.
With the help of the AnimationFocus community we have pulled together some of our favorite rigs along with reasons why we like them and links of where to find them.
All rigs listed below are for educational or non commercial use only, so you should be able to use them in your AnimationFocus assignments. As always, check for further restrictions before use.
If you have any other rig suggestions you’d like to see on this list - let us know! admin(at)animfocus(dot)com
Dana & David
Two great rigs from Gabriel Salas, designed by Gop Gap, available on Gum Road for $15 each.
These rigs are very appealing and great value for money.
Dana has a few different hair styles. Some desirable controls are missing eg. separate IK boxes for the hips & chest, and more detailed shaping controls on the mouth, eyes & brows but the rigs are very light and therefore worth the sacrifice.
If you have any issues with the rigs, Gabriel is very responsive via email.
Amy & Sam
Two more great rigs from Gabriel Salas, designed by Gop Gap, available on Gum Road for $15 each.
These rigs are very appealing and great value for money.
Some desirable controls are missing eg. separate IK boxes for the hips & chest, and more detailed shaping controls on the mouth, eyes & brows but the rigs are very light and therefore worth the sacrifice.
If you have any issues with the rigs, Gabriel is very responsive via email.
Artemis & Apollo
Rigs by Ramon Arango, available on GumRoad. Tracksuit clothing also available. Nice appealing graphic expressions. 20GBP each
Miosha is a premium production quality rig for Autodesk Maya By Dmitrii Kolpakov. Very appealing and expressive. Get a single student license for $25.
Made by José Manuel García Alvarez & Antonio Francisco Méndez Lora and free to use. Very appealing and intuitive.
Rig by Josh Sobel at $15. Combo packs available. Check out Josh’s website to see more great rigs for purchase.
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